var _m_mark = '$';var _pi = 'Prompt information';var _ok = 'Confirm';var _close = 'Close';var _cancel = 'Cancel';var _success = 'Success!';var _collection_ok = 'Successful collection!';var _time = 'Time';var _cut_save = 'Save';var _manjian = 'Discount';var _comment_time = 'Time';var _reply = 'Reply';var _input_username = 'Please re-enter your username.';var _input_pwd = 'Please re-enter your password.';var _logining = 'Loading...';var _login = 'Sign in';var _nameLength = 'user name should be 4-20 characters';var _nameFocus = 'user name should be 4-20 characters';var _nameCanntAllNumber = 'Cannot be pure numbers. Please re-enter';var _nameContainSensitiveWords = 'This user name is occupied';var _mobileError = 'The cell phone number is incorrect';var _mobileContainSensitiveWords = 'Cell phone number has been occupied';var _emailLength = 'E-mail address should be 6-20 characters';var _emailError = 'E-mail address is incorrect. Please re-enter it';var _passwordSameUserName = 'User name and password cannot be the same. Please re-enter!';var _passwordNotEmpty = 'password should be 6-20 characters';var _passwordLength = 'should be 6-20 characters';var _passwordCanntSameWord = 'Cannot be of the same character';var _passwordCanntAllNumber = 'Not all numbers';var _passwordInvalidCode = 'Illegal character';var _registerError = 'Registration failed. Please try again later!';var _select_buy = 'Please choose the goods you want to buy';var _join_ok = 'Join the cart success';var _del_fail = 'Delete fail';var _del_ok = 'Delete success';var _confirm_del = 'Sure delete?';var _server_type_error = 'Type error';var _confirm_receipt = 'Confirm after receipt of the goods';var _send_to = 'Send to';var _no_invoice = 'No invoice';var _invoice_title = 'Please enter your invoice';var _select_delivery = 'Please select delivery mode';var _not_sale = 'The area is temporarily closed';var _man = 'More than';var _use = 'available';var _expiry = 'Valid until';var _no_coupon = 'No Coupon available';var _creat_load = 'Loading...';var _illegal = 'Illegal operation';var _select_addr = 'Please select the delivery address';var _select_payment = 'Please choose payment method';var _select_ps = 'Please select delivery mode';var _input_invoice_header = 'Please enter your invoice';var _invoice_header_length = 'Invoice no more than 20 characters';var _select_invoice_msg = 'Please select invoice content';var _creat_order = 'Create order';var _submit_order = 'Submit order';var _cancel_order = 'Do you confirm the cancellation of the order?
The order will not be recovered after successful cancellation';